
Сообщения за апрель, 2021

MiyaGi рассказал о жизни после трагедии в семье

Артист намекнул на возвращение к концертной деятельности. Правда, когда это произойдет, MiyaGi пока еще не знает. Трагическая гибель маленького сына выбила музыканта из колеи на несксолько месяцев. В прошлом году рэп-группа из Владикавказа «MiyaGi и Эндшпиль» отменила концерты после трагедии, произошедшей с сыном одного из артистов Азамата Кудзаева. Мальчик погиб в результате падения из окна девятого этажа. Чтобы прийти в себя после произошедшего, Азамат взял паузу на неопределенный срок. Коллега музыканта Сослан Бурнацев поддержал его в этот нелегкий период. Недавно MiyaGi и Эндшпиль впервые за долгое время дали интервью. Артисты поделились планами на будущее и высказались о возобновлении концертной деятельности. «Пока не думаем об этом», — говорит Бурнацев. В свою очередь, Азамат сказал, что не исключает возвращения на сцену. Музыкант признался, что не может без творчества. В прошлом году между артистами и их бывшим концертным директором Николаем Теном произошел скандал. По словам пр

West Side Story Trailer Steven Spielberg Ansel Elgort

In 1962, Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins' big screen adaptation of  West Side Story became one of the most successful titles in the history of the Academy Awards, being nominated in 11 categories, and winning 10 of them. It was  a historic night  that further firmly cemented the movie's legacy – so it definitely feels utterly appropriate that on the night of the 2021 Oscars we now have the very first trailer for  the upcoming remake from director Steven Spielberg . It was  all the way back in 2014  that Spielberg started thinking about creating a new version of one of the most popular movie musicals of all time, and while he has a bit of a reputation for developing projects for years and then dropping them, this is one that the filmmaker never let go. In the years since that news broke, the director made  Bridge Of Spies  (2015),  The BFG  (2016),  The Post  (2017), and  Ready Player One  (2018),  but his passion  to make  West Side Story   remained consistent , and now it's

Pop is calling: Kids and grandkids on the line with President Joe Biden

(CNN) Joe Biden says he has a strict  rule about his phone : No matter what's happening, he always answers  a call from one of his grandchildren. Biden said on the campaign trail that he kept up with them every day of the pandemic with calls and texts, and now the ritual has carried over to his life in the White House. He checks in on his grandchildren with almost religious devotion, often reaching out multiple times a week, according to two people familiar with the first family's habits. "No topic is off limits," one of them said, even if "sometimes the kids don't want to tell him everything." It isn't just his family he's calling, of course. The Biden cold call is a feature of his decades-long political career in Washington, and just about every political veteran in town has gotten a surprise buzz at one time or another. And these days, he regularly picks up the phone to call key members of Congress, aides say. But now that he's so deeply e